It is the desire of the Minister and the Worship Committee of Barrhaven United Church, through this policy, to help you plan your wedding so that it will be a meaningful service of worship for you and a memorable experience for those participating and in attendance. We pray that the love and joy that you experience before God on your wedding day will endure and that your years together will be rich with blessing.
The minister of Barrhaven United Church will officiate at all wedding services. Other arrangements in this regard shall be made with his/her approval. The minister may decline to perform a wedding ceremony where s/he determines it would be inappropriate to proceed.
The date and time for the wedding service and rehearsal shall be arranged with the minister and church office before any other firm wedding preparations or announcements are made by word or written invitation.
It will be necessary to meet at least twice with the minister to make proper marriage plans and preparations. This should be done well in advance of the wedding. Marriage preparation classes are highly recommended. Classes are offered through the United Church of Canada, Ottawa Presbytery, as well as other organizations. The church office has a schedule of upcoming marriage preparation classes.
Marriage licenses should be applied for through your local Ontario city hall.
The bride and groom must have the license and the wedding fees in cash or cheque to the church office at least one week prior to the wedding date.
It is the responsibility of the couple to contact the church organist to discuss music. The church organist and the minister of Barrhaven United Church are responsible for all musical arrangements and the organist will play at all weddings and rehearsals. Alternate plans may be made in consultation with the church organist. In this case, the church organist will consult with the replacement organist regarding the choice of music for the service.
Approved special music must be available to the organist at least two weeks prior to the wedding service.
If a soloist* (vocal or instrumental) is requested, arrangements are to be made with the church organist.
* A separate fee would be required for the soloist.
Still photographs may be taken during the Processional, signing of the register and the Recessional.
No photographs may be taken during the service, as this is primarily a service of worship. This is consistent with the policy of Barrhaven United Church on photographs during services. Posed pictures may be taken after the wedding and should be prearranged with the minister.
A video of the wedding may be taken during the service from a designated location and must be arranged with the minister well in advance.
Pew Markers.
Pew markers need to be approved by the church. (This is to eliminate possible damage to the pews.).
The use of confetti/rice is not permitted in the church building or on church property.
Wedding receptions may be held in the hall of Barrhaven United Church and are subject to the conditions set forth in the “Bookings and Rental Policy.” Please note neither smoking nor the use of alcohol are permitted in the building. Bookings and information are available through the church office.
The fees for weddings at Barrhaven United Church are as follows:
Minister | $300* |
Organist | $125 |
Wedding Host | $100 |
Church | $200 |
Sound Technician | $75 |
* If the ceremony is held off-site, please add $25 mileage fee to Minister’s fee.
All fees are to be paid in cash or by cheque one week prior to the wedding date.
Contact information.
Minister: Rev. Carla Van Delen
Organist: Sara Surjadinata
Office Admin Telephone: 613-825-1707
Office Admin email: buc@gmail.com