Wishing everyone a prosperous and peaceful 2025

You are invited to attend our family friendly Christmas eve service of “Carols and Candles” at 7 pm on Christmas eve.

A BUC tradition of the Sunday school is presenting the Christmas story through pagentry during the morning worship service.

Come hear the wonderful voices of our BUC choir and their talented accompianists as they present their Christmas Cantata during the worship service on Sunday December 15.

Communion will be distributed during the worship service. All are invited to participate.

Christmas Mini Market featuring baking, preserves, small craft items and used books.

As we prepare to enter the busy Christmas season, please check the events calandar for a list of upcoming services and events to help you plan.

All are welcome… Please join us to celebrate the many voices of our new Phoenix organ Sunday, November 10, 4:00 – 6:30 pm. Music for all ages, crafts for childrens and potluck supper. Sunday, November 17, 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Matthew Larkin recital, with light refreshments to follow. Barrhaven United Church, 3013 Jockvale Road A…

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