At this time, the Barrhaven United Church Council is following the recommendations of Ontario Health Agency in dealing with the COVID-19 virus. Onsite Worship services and any other church activities have been suspended for the time being. We will continue to be here to give Spiritual and Pastoral Care to all. Should you wish to contact the church please call us at 613-825-1707 or email us at

We ask that only eligible congregants that have been fully vaccinated
attend in person services. This policy does not apply to those under
12 as well as those who have a medical exemption.

Message from the Minister


It doesn’t matter if you have never stepped into a place of worship before or have been a long time church goer for years, you are welcome here. It doesn’t matter what “ism,” category or label that the world puts you in or on you. You are welcome here.

We welcome all those who seek a deeper connection with the Divine Mystery that is know to us through Jesus. We welcome you if you need a place to rest your soul for a short or a long time. We welcome you to explore your relationship with God through being in community with like-minded pilgrims. We welcome you as together we go deeper into our calling to love our God and to love our neighbor with our whole being.

BUC is a diverse, welcoming, and faithful gathering of people who are seeking to know God and to live out that calling as God’s children in the world. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we fall short. But we continually seek ways of being more open and more welcoming to all our relations in this world.  Our motto is “Called to worship, sent to serve” and together we will find ways of bearing witness to the Good News in our lives, our homes and in our wider community.

You are not alone.

You are welcome here.

-Rev. Carla

  We are called to Worship …

Our Barrhaven United Church family looks forward to our weekly Sunday Worship when we can be together – to sing, to pray, to reflect and enjoy some fellowship time after worship. Our periodic Messy Church afternoons provide a more relaxed and fun fellowship time for families (and others) to share God’s love and a meal.

Since on-site worship and other church activities have been suspended during this unprecedented time, we are currently gathering for Sunday Worship online. We invite you to join us for weekly worship on our YouTube channel

Weekly Sunday School for the children is over for the summer. Check out this website later in the summer for the fall start-up date.

And sent to serve …

We endeavor to follow Christ’s call to serve others, both within our congregation and beyond our doors.

Our pastoral care team is a listening presence for the congregation during these challenging times. Members of our team provide caring phone calls, offer Healing Pathway by long distance healing and lift up your prayers and concerns during Prayer Circle.

We like to learn! We enjoy exploring our faith and enhancing our understanding of social justice issues so that we can act in ways that are spirit led, respectful and informed. Although these activities are now finished for the summer, we invite you to be in touch with the office in the fall if you would like to join a Bible or book study, or meditation. Special events such as movie nights, guest speakers or presentations will be posted on this website. All are welcome.

Outreach has been an important part of our church’s history. We are the birthplace of the Barrhaven Food Cupboard, a founder of the Steepleview Crossing affordable housing community next door to the church, and a founding member of Multifaith Housing Initiative. We have been on an ongoing journey of learning and reflection regarding our relationships with our Indigenous neighbours. Supporting our neighbours continues to be an ongoing, integral part of congregational life.

Accessible & Inclusive

Fully Wheelchair Accessible

Once on the main level, all facilities are accessible. This includes Church offices (Minister and Administrator), washrooms, gym and kitchen. Washrooms are accessible on the main level.

Power Lift and Door Openers

enable handicap access to the church basement. It also makes it easier to receive and dispatch groceries from the Barrhaven Food Cupboard, increasing the building’s accessibility to congregation members and community users. This project was made possible with a grant by the Ontario Trillium Fund (OTF), a provincial government program designed to financially support volunteer initiatives to enhance Ontario communities.

Accessible Listening

Audio assisted hearing aids are also available from the sound technician before each service.

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Upcoming Events


Book Club

9:30 am — 11:30 am
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BUC Council meeting

7:15 pm — 9:00 pm
@ Virtual
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