Hear some good old Rock and Roll, get ready for St. Patrick’s Day and help
build affordable housing, all in one night!!
The Retrosonics will perform at Barrhaven United Church,
3-0-1-3 Jockvale Road, Friday night March 14 beginning at 7:20.
This local band is well- known and has many followers.
There is no admission charge, but a free-will offering is encouraged.
Tax receipts will be issued for donations of at least 20-dollars.
Refreshments at intermission.
Multifaith Housing Initiative is partnered to build
two towers at LeBreton Flats, with 600 rental units.
M-H-I will own and operate 133 of these affordable units, with 31 for
Indigenous families.
We’ll see you Friday March 14, for a night of great entertainment.
And Dream LeBreton!!