Local band “Retrosonics” will get you rocking & rolling and singing along. Free will donations will support Multifaith Housing Initiative’s Odenak Complex at LeBreton Flats. Tax receipt issued for donations of at least $20. Visa and Mastercard payments accepted. Refreshments served. Friday March 14, 7:20pm, Barrhaven United Church, 3013 Jockvale Road, Barrhaven.
UCW hosts a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper with two sittings: 4:45pm and 5:45pm. Sign up sheet in the Narthex. Child up to 12 $6.00, Adult, 12 and up, $12.00, Family of 4, $30.00
Join Erin and friends for an afternoon of playing board games. Bring your favorite board game and share some munchies with Erin and friends.
Sunday February 23 following the worship service. The following positions and ministries are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to provide leadership or assistance. Chair of Church Council, Vice-chair of Church Council, Welcoming Congregation Ministry, Stewardship Ministry, Christian Education Ministry, Social Ministry, Community Engagement Ministry. Is this the right time for YOU to take on a new…