You are invited to join us for worship during Holy Week at the following services….
May-2021 Announcement/Posting BUC Anti-Racism & Inclusion Working Group (WG) would like to provide you with the following announcement: Commencing Monday May 31, 2021 (after the Victoria Day long weekend) the WG will be offering its next 4-week themed discussion in the form of a Book Review of the book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” by Isabel…
The question guiding BUC’s visioning is “What are we being called to focus upon, and within that, called to prioritize, as God’s people, as a church within our local and broader community, and, as a congregation?” BUC’s six visioning sessions will take place by Zoom starting Sunday afternoon, March 28 until May 16th beginning at…
Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) is a major Outreach partner of Barrhaven United Church. For almost two decades we have worked with MHI and a coalition of over 70 different faith communities to help address the issue of the lack of affordable housing in the City of Ottawa. Through this work we have supported MHI’s housing…
An Open Invitation remains extended to all, to join the BUC Anti-Racism & Inclusion Working Group (WG)’s ongoing journey of learning and growth. During the month of March, the WG will meet on Monday evenings from 7-9pm via Zoom for a 4-week session on the topic of “Micro-Aggressions, Active Witnessing & Response-Ability”. The schedule will…
The Sankofa bird Credit: Logo for the Sankofa Global Project, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Greetings Administrators, Teachers and Students, In recognition of Black History Month, we at Barrhaven United Church (BUC) would like to invite you (schools identified below) to participate in an opportunity for creativity and learning. BUC has planned a competition geared…
December is Chaplaincy Month at BUC Traditionally, the second Sunday in Advent is White Gift Sunday at BUC. Our approach to White Gift Sunday was different this year. Since we did not collect gifts for our chaplaincy partners, this year we are honouring the chaplaincies throughout the Advent season. Although we will miss the chaplaincy…
BUC Anti-Racism & Inclusion Working Group (WG) would like to provide you with the following updates: 7:15pm will be new start time for ongoing WG meetings, to accommodate individuals who may be faced with preparing supper, and/or tending to the needs of younger school aged children. The WG will meet on Mon Nov 23 &…
Breathe, listen and pray There is a lot going on. Have you noticed? There are people trying to juggle working from home and homeschooling their children. Some people are isolating alongside loved ones, waiting for a COVID test to come back. There are people awaiting test results and getting their life in order before treatments…